Yesterday, I finally got the chance to see Kingsman : the golden circle. It is what a summer flick should be! Filled with explosion and fight scenes, the sequel even though lacks the surprise of the first one is a deserving one! The movie begins with Egsy encountering an old friend Charlie. Who is now a terminator and action commencing from the word go ! The fight scene in the Taxi was a little jarring and hard to keep up with, but it was beautiful. The Golden Circle makes no sense, yet it is fun. The plot is dead simple. Poppy played underwhelmingly by Juliana Moore runs a drug monopoly and wants to legalize drugs, hence she poisons all the drug addicts and holds them hostage until her demands are met. Our leads must stop her to save the world. The start of the movie was shaky, Poppy wipes the Kingsman and in the process, kills of Roxie, the friend-zoned girl, and with her goes away my expectations of seeing a girl kicking ass in the Kingsman movie. Harry...
A Geek's view of the world.