I was a big Windows Phone user back in the days of 8.1. And the biggest problem which plagued the otherwise excellent Operating system was the lack of apps 😑. So when the Torrex pro app came to the Windows Phone store. I wasted no time to buy the app and try it out to see if it could quench my thirst for torrents.
A little after 3years later I am not regretting my first paid app in the windows store at all ! Over the years it has gone through many improvements and with Windows 10 and windowed universal apps this app became perfect.
Like every other universal app it is easy on the resources and is simple but feature reach. The app allows me to stream video files while I download them and has almost all of the features which other desktop clients offer and then adds to them with universal apps features like notification and the ability to run under lock screen. Also the bonus feature of familiarity on my phone. Where it is basically the same App
It is an App which will give you no regrets and will help you to move away from the old clunky and insecure win32 softwares ! Finebits offers a free version of Torrex. which shows ads and cannot run in the background. That app should give you an idea about the app and help you to make an informed decision.
In short if you use windows 10 on any device do give Torrex a look!
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