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'IT' is not good!

‘IT’ is the latest Stephen King adaptation into the big screen. And it is a huge hit. Such a big hit, that it required me to break my rule of not going to the Cinema!
However, like my every other visit to the Cinema, disappointment followed me. The movie is not unwatchable bad. It is good, but not great. It is by no means the best horror movie which certain people are claiming it to be!
The movie focuses on children. Children, who are as the movie calls them losers. These losers form a group called the loser club. The story begins with one of the members of the loser club’s member Bill losing his young brother Georgie to IT. The loss of Georgie creates will for Bill to search for IT. That there is basically the story for you. The film then follows all the tropes of a horror and coming of age movies that you are so used to seeing! The losers are bullied, there is a fat kid, the losers are not good with girls and they somehow get a girl member, whom they find beautiful. We have seen all those plot devices being used in movies way before IT. The movie does nothing new to present itself.
One thing did found good about the movie was the acting. The kids in this movie were really good. And the sad thing is none of these kids will get to be in the sequel, barring a few flashback scenes. Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise was also good. But, most of Pennywise’s scenes were CGI, so he had not much to do. Until the final act.

In all, by no means is IT a bad movie. It is just not as good as the hype says it is. Hence, be prepared when you go to see the movie! Maybe the book was better? I guess I will find out when I finish reading IT. 


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